Thursday, May 22, 2008

Language Development

From The Baby Book by William and Martha Sears:
"Baby's speech explodes from an average of ten words at fifteen months to as many as fifty words by twenty-four months, though many sounds are still unintelligible except to parents."
I have added a list of the signs Annabelle does and the words she says. Some of the words she says are ones only we can understand. You can see that she does about 30 signs and 20 words. That's a vocabulary of 50 words at 13 months! You're impressed aren't you!
I will try to update the word/sign lists as much as possible. It's fun to track what she is doing. I probably even forgot some!

How to learn to sign

I have added to the side bar some of my favorite books I used when learning to sign with Annabelle. I read all of these books for their tips and tricks as well as their games and songs. Each has a link to the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Catalog where you can find the books.
Another way to learn to sign is to take a class. Some classes charge money. I run a program at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Carrick called "Read & Sign with Baby". It begins again in June. It is free. We will learn signs as well as have fun with our babies.
Reading to your baby is another great way to teach your baby to sign. Here are some of our favorite books. Any books can be used to sign. If you see a picture in a book you are reading with your baby. Point to it, say the name and do the sign in your babies line of sight.
These can also be find at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Martin
Counting Kisses by Katz
Spot Goes to the Farm by Hill
Peekaboo Morning by Isadora
Who Said Moo? by Ziefert
Where is Baby? A Lift the flap Sign Language book by Cryan
My First Animal Signs by Lewis
My First Signs by Kubler
Getting Ready by Lewis
Going Out by Lewis
Meal Time by Lewis
Play Time by Lewis
You can also use DVDs to learn sign language. I find it useful to see how a sign is done demonstrated by a real person. So, I suggest these more for adults to look at rather than babies. The American Pediatric Association recommends that babies younger than two years older should not watch television. The following DVDs are very good and well made and should be shared with your child.

My First Signs: See & Sign with Baby (Baby Einstein)

Baby Signing Time! Vol. 1 & Vol. 2

Signing Time! Multiple volumes available

My Baby Can Talk: First Signs

Sign with Your Baby

There is also more information on the websites on the side bar as well. Happy Signing!

Celebrating Annabelle's first birthday!

It's been over a month since we celebrated Annabelle's first birthday. She had a lot of fun with the cake. Here is a picture of her after she got into the cake. She is signing "all done".